Melatonin 5 mg

$16.47 $20.99

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  • Pure, vegan melatonin
  • Tiny, fast-dissolving sublingual tablets
  • Natural mint flavour

These tiny, fast-dissolving sublingual tablets are a pure, safe, vegan source of therapeutic-potency melatonin with a natural mint flavour. Melatonin can help reset an internal clock disrupted by jet lag, daylight savings time, or shift work. It can help people with low melatonin levels fall asleep more easily, sleep longer and wake up less frequently.

Recommended Use: Studies have shown that a melatonin supplement can help reset the internal clock disrupted because of travelling and jet lag, daylight savings time, shift work, or change in daily routine. It can also help counteract the stress hormone cortisol as cortisol is not being released during production of melatonin and in presence of adequate sleep hormone levels at night.

Recommended Dose: (Adults): Jet lag: Take 1 tablet 1 time per day at bedtime after darkness has fallen, while travelling, and at destination until adaptation to the new daily pattern. All uses except jet lag: Take 1 tablet 1 time per day, at or before bedtime. For occasional short-term use.

Cautions & Warnings:

Known Adverse Reactions:

Contra-Indications: Contains no dairy, wheat, gluten, or soy.

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