Earth's Aromatique

Goat's Milk Powder


Only 1 in stock!


  • Qualities: Fine, creamy white powder
  • Properties: Moisturizing, soothing, softening; gently exfoliating
  • Origin: United States
  • Cultivation: Conventional

A natural emollient, goat’s milk helps soothe and moisturize the skin. It has vitamins such as A, B6, and B12, as well as three times more beta-casein than cow’s milk. Presence of lactic acid allows for gentle exfoliation. Use in recipes such as bath soaks, lotions, soaps, and conditioners.

Extraction method: Harvested. Dehydrated

Shelf life: Indefinite when stored properly

Storage: Keep sealed in a cool, dark place. Heat, oxygen, and light degrade the product.

Can be used in body care for bath soaks & salts, soaps, lotions, and in facial care as a masking ingredient.

Reconstitute 1 oz powder: 8 oz water (2 tablespoons into 1 cup of water) for the liquid state (or for ingestion).

100% pure Goat's Milk Powder

Kolya welcomes DIY enthusiasts, from novices to experienced makers, offering high-quality ingredients and creative ideas for nature-inspired inventions. As passionate crafters, we emphasize the beauty of hand-making botanical products and remedies, catering to the needs of home-based artisans. While we celebrate the joy of botanical crafting, we are not a laboratory and do not provide the requirements of professional cosmetic formulators.

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