Package and ChocolatePieces of GalerieAuChocolat WhiteChocolateBar GreenTea 100g

    Galerie Au Chocolat

    White Chocolate Bar - Green Tea

    Package and ChocolatePieces of GalerieAuChocolat MilkChocolateBar Almond&SeaSalt 100g

    Galerie Au Chocolat

    Milk Chocolate Bar - Almond & Sea Salt

    Package of GalerieAuChocolat VeganChocolateBar SaltedCaramel&Pecans 80g
    Sold out
    GalerieAuChocolat MapleCrunch MilkChocolate Ingredients/LifestyleBar of GalerieAuChocolate MapleCrunch MilkChocolate 100g

    Galerie Au Chocolat

    Milk Chocolate Bar - Maple Crunch

    Package and ChocolatePieces of GalerieAuChocolat 72% DarkChocolateBar MidnightDark 100g

    Galerie Au Chocolat

    Dark Chocolate Bar - Midnight Dark

    Package and ChocolatePieces of GalerieAuChocolat 72% DarkChocolateBar SeaSalt 100g

    Galerie Au Chocolat

    Dark Chocolate Bar Sea Salt

    Package and ChocolatePieces of GalerieAuChocolat 72% DarkChocolateBar BoldEspresso 100g

    Galerie Au Chocolat

    Dark Chocolate Bar - Bold Espresso


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