A Complete Immunity Arsenal: Stop Bugs in Their Tracks

Seems like the Cold, Flu & Covid Season has arrived early this year. We've already seen a variety of bugs in our clients and staff. But we have an arsenal of immune-support tools to help nip it in the bud, head it off at the pass, or shorten duration and intensity.

Last blog I wrote about the dual immune-support effects of our Optimum Immunity, which contains widespread antimicrobial ingredients, and also supports the effectiveness of the immune response by reducing inflammation in the gut, (where 70-80% of your immune tissue is found.) However, Covid is a new, novel bug, widely accepted to be man-made through gain-of-function research gone wrong. Though the Optimum Immunity can definitely help severity by reducing inflammation, it doesn't seem to stop this bug.

The Power of Propolis

Recently we have had 4 employees stop bugs in their tracks using our Bee Immune formula with propolis. This was an extremely effective formula that we used to carry in the Solaray brand, but after they pulled out of Canada due to the "Health Canada Hassle", we got the formula approved and reproduced it. The effective dosing is 4-5 capsules, 3X/day at the first sign of symptoms, taken away from food.

I have always been a huge fan of propolis as an extremely broad antimicrobial. It is actually what the bees use to seal and disinfect their hive. In fact, each bee has to cross a propolis doormat when entering the hive, and this helps keep it healthy. For more details on the antimicrobial properties of propolis, see ref: (1) (2)

In addition to propolis, Bee Immune contains echinacea, goldenseal, garlic, elderberry, ginger, and peppermint, along with zinc, and vitamin C. Experience has shown us that this is an excellent choice to reach for at the first sign of symptoms.

What About Daily Prevention?

To help capture the benefits of Quercetin, NAC, and zinc (bisglycinate), OHV-Brand has launched Opti-Immune Basics.

Quercetin and NAC (to produce glutathione) were huge sellers during Covid for making you less susceptible, as well their protective effects on the lungs (3),(4),(5). (There were many peer-reviewed papers published supporting these actions.) 

Opti-Immune basics contains 250mg of each of Quercetin and NAC, plus 7.5mg of Zinc bisglycinate, which acts synergistically with Quercetin. (4) 

You can think of Quercetin as blocking the docking station for bugs to prevent them from entering your cells and multiplying. On the other hand, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)  is a direct precursor for glutathione, which is like pouring water on inflammatory bugs, and also very protective for the lungs. (5), (6)

I have written before on the comprehensive benefits of glutathione that can be derived using the product GSH+ - with NACET for heightened glutathione production. GSH+ is like an immune multivitamin, with the added benefits of energy production, better liver detoxification, better brain function, and much more. For more info, see our past blog articles:

How to Protect Both Your Lungs & Immunity at the Same Time

The Power of Glutathione: Energy, Immunity, Mental Focus, Detoxification...

Tastes Awful, Works Wonders: Oil of Oregano

There are also old standbys to simply keep on hand for immediate protection. Just yesterday in fact my throat started bugging me and I picked up a bottle of Opti-Potency Oregano MAX off my desk. I took a tiny shot (maybe 3 drops) just to taste it to see whether that's the one I should use. But after the burn typical of oregano, even that small amount eradicated my throat discomfort completely. Gonzo!

Opti-Potency Oregano MAX is the heavy-hitter for squashing bugs. For those on a budget it is also appropriate because you only need very small amounts.

On the other hand, experience has shown that for more systemic anti-inflammatory effects the Opti-Smooth Oregano Oil works better. You can actually use oregano for all sorts of acute situations, as it is highly anti-inflammatory, and works in minutes. (One staff member recently reported using it to calm a panic attack, and this is not surprising because of the role inflammation plays in our stress response...but that is a discussion for another article.)

If I had to keep one emergency "jack-of-all-trades" product on hand for the largest number of acute situations, the Opti-Smooth Oregano Oil would be it. It's amazing how many things it can be useful for.

Colloidal Silver: Swallow or Spray?

When using Opti-Silver Solutions to stop a bug, I find the best way to use it is as a spray. I simply get a 2 or 4oz spray bottle and fill it. Why do I recommend the spray versus swallowing the liquid? Because silver is most effective when you contact the microbes directly, without dilution. When you swallow silver solutions, you dilute it, and reduce chances of a direct contact and action. (I've definitely still seen it work countless times when swallowed, the effects are just not as pronounced or immediate as with spray.)

Whenever I am going into a room or have been around someone who is sick I will give a spray up each nostril, onto the back of my throat, in each ear and each eye. This acts like a shield. So, Silver Solutions spray isn't just for planes. I actually have been known to chase my family and staff around with my bottle, LOL!  This may seem like a lot of hassle, but when wellness is your passion and livelihood, if you can prevent it, being sick just isn't an option!

And sometimes you have to hit bugs from multiple directions. Of course vitamins D3 & K2, probiotics, essential fats, and a good multivitamin play a role in helping fight off an infections, but these are supplements I consider the daily essentials for the whole year.

Until next time, Be Well!




1.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8391193/Anti-Viral and Immunomodulatory Properties of Propolis: Chemical Diversity, Pharmacological Properties, Preclinical and Clinical Applications, and In Silico Potential against SARS-CoV-2

2. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0753332220308155  Propolis and its potential against SARS-CoV-2 infection mechanisms and COVID-19 disease

3. https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/the-functional-medicine-approach-to-covid-19-virus-specific-nutraceutical-and-botanical-agents/ Quercetin has been shown to have antiviral effects against both RNA (e.g., influenza and coronavirus) and DNA viruses (e.g., herpesvirus)

4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9137692/. Quercetin and Covid-19

5.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10526097/  Advances in the Use of N-Acetylcysteine in Chronic Respiratory Diseases

6. https://www.bmj.com/content/383/bmj.p2622/rr N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in covid-19


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